
Curious Boy presents Brickollection, designed by Markus Benesch Creates.


The toys of our childhood were building blocks that let us construct our first buildings, towers and arches. Today, in the digital age, these blocks, or bricks, are having a renaissance in the form of pixels, engulfing us in all aspects of our lives. Playful building and curious trial and error are constants in our design methodology, similar to a child with their first building set. We fuse this concept with these notions of modern technology and thereby dedicate this entire collection to one basic element.

The concept of Brickollection allows us to utilize our passion for spatial experiences, shape, and volume to move past the plain picture and flat patterns. We have further developed the two-dimensional square, bringing it into the third dimension.

The bricks are visually leaving the canvas or wall, and seem to step into another world. Brickollection consists of patterns and decorative surfaces that exit the frame of the two-dimensional wall and seem to break through into a new realm of depth, movement and space.

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Year: 2004

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